Thursday, 19 July 2012

Coming soon:

Ok, I have decided that is going to be my main blog from now on...

Yes, I know. I got my blog made up and all, but this seems just... Easier to put everything together, Y'know?

So, anyway. Coming soon on this wonderful blog there shall be:

The Origin, Chapter 4.
Chasing the Sun, Chapter 2.
A new story called Virus.
Imaginary Fiends. *coughrewrittencough*
The Archon Code. *coughrewrittencough*
Another new story called Saving the World from Darkness.
Another new story called The Elder Game.
Something you haven't read before, Hell's Emotions; the runic chronicles.
The Academy, Another new story.
The assassin diaries of Jasmine Adheeves, another new story.

So, yeah. New stories, fun, eh?


  1. OMGG
    *claps excitedly and hugs Flame*
    *sets up a tent and camps out waiting for all the Fantastic stories*
